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Family Guy: Blue Harvest (2007)

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NETFLIX SYNOPSIS:  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the cast of “Family Guy” stepped into the plot of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope — and the result is this hourlong epic that kicked off the show’s sixth season. When Princess Leia (Lois) is captured by Darth Vader (Stewie), Luke (Chris) risks his life to save her. Aiding him on his quest are Chewbacca (Brian), a well-spoken Wookiee, and Han Solo (Peter), a bumbling spice smuggler.

REVIEW:  My dad’s a big-time Star Wars geek.  He watched the first Star Wars movie like 30 times at the theater when he was a kid, I guess because they hadn’t invented DVDs yet and this was before High School Musical or something. To this day I can’t watch Star Wars without him blurting out: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy,” or “Stay on target!  Stay on Target!”  Anyway, he really yucked it up over this Family guy parody, which I have to admit was pretty funny.  The episode was obviously made by huge star Wars fans — most scenes are almost shot-for-shot recreations of the movie.  Every notable scene from the movie is skewered, some better than others but that’s the nature of most parodies.  The Family Guy folks fit in well with the story line, but even if you’ve never watched FG you’ll be able to follow along just fine.  You overly sensitive parental types might want to take note that deleted scenes have been added, including more swearing than you can get away with on TV, even on Fox.  Still, there’s plenty of funny stuff here for Star Wars geeks or just casual fans.  Don’t believe me?  I find your lack of faith disturbing….

4.5 stars
Ashley (via HAWK)